Kristen Bunich, North Carolina Nutritionist



Serving The Carolinas

The Intuitive Dietitian
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 Make peace with food and your body

Heal your relationship with food.

It’s easy to understand the appeal of dieting. 

It’s exciting to talk about the latest fix or see a friend or celebrity in their “before” and “after” photos. Thin “looks” healthy.

You’ve probably guessed that diets aren’t sustainable. Did you know it’s a fact?

Not only do diets have a huge failure rate, but we know that chronic dieting increases your health risks.

There is strong science to support that your body’s shape isn’t the only determinant of health. 

The roller coaster of starvation and guilt that accompanies dieting is damaging to our mental health. Chronic dieters face more irritability, depression, shame, guilt and self-blame.

Dieting is one of the strongest predictors of an eating disorder.

It doesn’t have to be this way.

You can exit the diet rollercoaster.

You can choose to alter your relationship with food in a way that feels good and gives you results.

You aren’t alone. I can help.

Learn how to eat intuitively.

Ask me all your questions!

Kristen is located in Charlotte, NC for in-person sessions, and holds virtual sessions for those not local to her.

I love Kristen’s practical and realistic approach to nutrition and wellness. She helped to reframe my thinking about food for a healthier approach that will be sustainable in the future.
— Kathryn G.


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 Hi, I’m Kristen

I am a non-diet dietitian passionate about healing the relationship between food, image, women’s health and self-care.

I will use gentle nutrition, intuitive eating practices, and nutrition therapy to help you live a more satisfied life. We will identify the root cause of your symptoms and focus on a gentle nutrition and lifestyle approach.

I’m so thankful I made the time to prioritize my health and visited Kristen. I have a much better relationship with food now, and I’m so much kinder to myself. I have lived YEARS with a total misunderstanding of food and nutrition. I finally look forward to meal time with my family and friends. I strongly encourage you to learn from a professional. I wish I had prioritized myself sooner and am so thankful for all the guidance Kristen has provided.
— Julie
Intuitive eAting nutrition therapy with Kristen Bunich, the anti-diet dietitian in Charlotte, NC. Kristen offers in-person or virtual nutrion therapy sessions.

Intuitive Eating

Walking the path of intuitive eating will help you to reconnect with the satisfaction of eating. 

You will use all of your senses to taste the food, enjoy the food, and feel your fullness. 

Following an Intuitive Eating pattern also has measurable results. 

Hundreds of studies on Intuitive Eating therapy show:

• Lower rates of cardiovascular disease

• Better body image

• Higher self-esteem

• Improved metabolism

• Decreased rates of emotional eating

• Decreased rates of disordered eating

• Decreased stress rates

• Improved quality of  life

Your body has amazing instincts. We will work together aligning your body with gentle nutrition to meet your body’s needs.

Overcome the unhealthy diet mentality with intuitive eating nutrition therapy with anti-diet dietitian Kristen Bunich, located in Chaarlotte , NC. Kristen offers in-person or virtual nutrition therapy sessions.

The Diet Mentality

Does the diet always start on Monday and by Saturday you feel less excited and more guilty about your choices?  

Does your “I’ll just have one” turn into an “Oh what the hell” eating episode?

Do you see food as “good” and “bad”? 

Do you feel out of control around food? 

Do you avoid purchasing certain foods because you just don’t trust yourself with that food in the house? 

Are you worried that your eating behaviors are setting the wrong patterns for your kids?

These are all examples of diet mentality.  

It is exhausting to live by these rules and the shame associated with them.

Curious to discover a better way?

Click below to see what working with me is like.

I highly recommend working with Kristen. She is extremely knowledgeable and up to date on the often confusing topic of nutrition. I find the whole body approach so helpful.
— Shelly B.

Set yourself up for success with these snacks from The Intuitive Dietitian's nutritionist.

Nutrient dense foods, hormone tests, and supplements all play a large role in improving fertility.  Kristen Bunich with The Intuitive Dietitian will come up with a nutrition therapy plan to help you during your pregnancy journey.

Disordered Eating

Nutrition therapy plays a vital role in the recovery from disordered eating and eating disorders. Adding nutrition into your medical team will give you more tools to cope with this challenging diagnosis.

Intuitive Eating is on pause until your hunger meter is fixed and trusted.

During Nutrition Therapy we can focus on:

• Practice regular meal patterns and planning

• Nutrition therapy to avoid bingeing and restriction

• Steps to correct nutrient deficiencies from previous poor nutrition

• Understand how nutrition and eating disorders impact your body

• Work on gut health and symptoms

Together we will use evidenced based practices during our 1:1 therapy.

Nutrition and activity play a large role in easing perimenopause and menopause's hormone impact.  Kristen Bunich with The Intuitive Dietitian can help you navigate lab test and nutrition therapy to feel better today.

Women’s Health

During every season of life your body changes.

Are you confident and successful in your life but notice physical changes that trouble you or just not feel like yourself?

Is your social media feed filling up with fad diets, beauty gimmicks, body shapers and the best exercise program for your shape?

Nutrition and Activity can help ease the changes of perimenopause all the way through menopause. 

We can investigate your body’s needs with an intuitive focus. DUTCH hormone and a nutrition lab panel is available to further dive into your unique needs.

What positive changes can we do to make you feel better today?

Interested in more? Check out my blog about Nutrition and Menopause.

Kristen is very professional, intuitive and uses a holistic approach to cater to your individual needs. She is full of information and cares about your success.
— Nicole S.
Kristen Bunich from The Intuitive Dietitian gives you the tools to help manage your PCOS and diabetes with nutrition and movement.


Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and Gestational Diabetes can both feel like an overwhelming diagnosis.

A weight loss diet or traditional gestational diet is a very discouraging handout and sentiment for you to receive.

We will work on your unique response to foods being mindful of the growing evidence in a good nutrition and movement plan. We may include things like

• Blood Glucose Monitoring

• Hormone and Nutrition Lab Panels

• Food Journals with Electronic Review

• Nutritional Supplements

• Nutrient Dense Real Food

• 1:1 Intuitive Eating Nutrition Therapy

It is exciting to have so much control of your outcome!

I am here to give you the tools to succeed.

Try out my Meal planning software- 3 Days Free- no credit card input required.